When families go through the process of separation or divorce, children are the most important consideration because their health and happiness come first. Children do not choose to divorce. They are innocent parties who become collateral damage in the dissolution of...
Leaders In Massachusetts Family Law
Child Custody
How Long Does Supervised Visitation Last?
If you were granted supervised visitation, you may have a lot of anxieties about the situation and are wondering when you can resume normal parenting. Supervised visitation can present a lot of challenges since it must be at the convenience of your supervisor. More...
Tips for Introducing Your Children to a New Partner
Eventually, after your divorce, you will likely start to date. In some cases, it may even happen before the process is finalized, especially if you went through a particularly lengthy divorce. If you have children, you may be considering introducing them to your new...
Can Children Refuse Visitation?
The aftermath of a divorce is a lot for children to cope with. In some cases, they may blame one or both parents for the end of the marriage and harbor a lot of resentment. However, no matter what your children’s feelings may be about you, your ex, or the divorce,...
When is Supervised Visitation Necessary?
Generally, it is always in the best interests of a child to maintain a relationship with both parents. Family courts believe this is true even when it may be unsafe to leave the child alone with one of the parents. Instead of keeping the child from visiting the other...
How to Enforce Child Support
Child support is essential in ensuring children receive the child care they need to continue to grow and thrive in the aftermath of a divorce. If your former spouse is refusing to pay child support, you should take this matter to court as soon as possible to ensure...
Child Custody Mistakes You Should Avoid
Child custody cases are some of the most stressful disputes. With so many emotions involved, it can make it easy for parents to act impulsively or out of anger. However, it is crucial to not let your feelings get the best of you or else you may make a decision that is...
What Can I Do About Parental Alienation?
Divorce can get messy, especially when children are involved. In many cases, parents try to undermine the other parent’s relationship with the children, which is also referred to as parental alienation. Parental alienation can be incredibly damaging to the children,...
How Child Custody is Determined
For divorcing parents, child custody will be one of the most important matters handled during the process. In the past, mothers were often favored as primary caregivers for their children. Today, child-related issues are determined by the best interests of the...
Moving Away with Your Children After a Divorce
A family’s life can continue to go through major changes in the aftermath of a divorce. As a result, you may have to relocate and, if you have minor children, this can profoundly complicate matters. Parents cannot simply uproot their children and move. You must either...