How To Protect Your Retirement And Investments Beyond Divorce
Unknowns can be frightening as you approach divorce, and the division of retirement funds and other investments may be high on your list of concerns. How can you ensure that you will not be unfairly impoverished when you have counted on your or your spouse’s retirement assets for financial security in your later years? Relax; you are already one step ahead by looking into this topic.
Many clients of Barach Law Group LLC are well-educated and some have believed that they could do the necessary research, follow directions and proceed on their own to a family law court to complete a do-it-yourself divorce. In the process, they nearly made costly mistakes. They – and you – are wise to seek knowledgeable counsel regarding the division of retirement assets.
We encourage you to get the information you need to ensure that you will not be shortchanged in your sunset years because you neglected to get quality legal advice for your Massachusetts divorce.
Respected, Skillful Property Division Attorneys Will Watch Out For Your Retirement
Without the benefit of our years of experience in family law practice, many of our clients approaching divorce realize that they do not know how to protect their rightful share of retirement assets and investments. If we represent you in the property division aspect of your divorce, we will guide you as your and your spouse’s assets, such as those below, are under consideration.
- Retirement accounts such as pensions, 401(k) accounts and IRAs
- Deferred executive compensation projections
- Stocks and stock options
- Trusts and trust funds
- Second homes and investment properties
A Massachusetts divorce is expected to involve an equitable distribution of assets, which may not be an equal division of assets. As you get ready to negotiate a settlement agreement or present arguments to a family law judge, start by identifying your priorities in the division of assets, including retirement accounts and investments.
For example, you and your spouse may opt to leave certain investments completely under the control of either spouse, rather than having to divide retirement accounts. Or you may swap retirement funds for business assets.
These are generalized examples. You and your attorney can efficiently determine what is best for your divorce.
With Years Of Experience, We Are Available To Protect Your Rights In Retirement Asset Division
At Barach Law Group LLC, we have the knowledge and experience you need for reassurance that your rights and interests will be closely guarded.
To schedule a consultation on property division and your Massachusetts divorce, call us at 617-819-1805 or email us.