Even under the best circumstances, raising children with your former spouse can be an uphill battle. With the spread of COVID-19 and the country’s subsequent shutdown, divorced parents may encounter even more obstacles, especially if their schedules changed substantially due to job loss. The key point to remember is that you must comply with your child custody order. If your co-parent is trying to take advantage of the situation and trying to limit your parenting time, you should consider taking the matter to court to ensure your rights as a parent are protected.
Raising Kids During a Pandemic
Many of us never expected to lose almost an entire year to a potentially deadly virus. The challenges we are facing now are so unique that we do not have a playbook to look to for answers. Therefore, it is crucial for you and your former spouse to work together and communicate with each other as honestly and openly as possible. If possible, try to be flexible with the parenting schedule to accommodate any changes brought on by the pandemic.
If you make some adjustments to your parenting schedule, do not view it as an opportunity to keep score. Your priority should be the wellbeing of your children and the choices that support their best interests may not always be what you want. Coordinate with your co-parent to see if you might be able to set some time aside to bond with the kids once the pandemic is over.
Not all former spouses are on good enough terms to make certain necessary adjustments to the parenting schedule. Under these circumstances, you may need to petition the court for a modification of your child custody agreement. Any modifications granted may be temporary, depending on the changes in circumstances that occurred.
Reach Out to Our Law Office to Set Up a Consultation and Discuss the Details of Your Case
COVID-19 is changing how many of us live, creating unique obstacles for families across the country. If your child custody arrangement is no longer practical to follow due to the changes brought on by the pandemic, you should hire an attorney to provide the legal guidance and advice you need. At Barach Law Group LLC, our family law team has more than 20 years of experience and is committed to providing individualized services.
Contact our law office today at 617-819-1805 to set up a consultation and learn more about what we can do for you. We offer after-hour and weekend availability.