Life is constantly changing, so it makes sense that the prenuptial agreement you and your spouse created before your trip down the aisle might not always be appropriate for your current set of circumstances. If you and your spouse agree to make changes to the prenuptial agreement you currently have, you can move forward with this decision. However, if only one of you wants these changes, the current one will remain as it is.
Changing a Prenuptial Agreement
There are many reasons why spouses may agree to make changes to or even revoke their prenuptial agreement.
Below is a list of some of those reasons:
- You both agree that you no longer want the prenuptial agreement.
- You would like to redistribute your property allocation.
- One or both of you acquired additional property that was not included in your original marital agreement and would like to add it.
- You have children that need to be accounted for in your prenuptial agreement.
If you and your spouse agree to the changes you wish to make, you can create an amendment to it by either adding it to the original agreement or by signing a separate agreement that states the modified terms. The terms of your prenuptial agreement cannot be changed if you are in the process of separating or obtaining a divorce. You can only make changes to a prenuptial agreement before getting married or during the marriage.
Before moving forward with this step, it is important to consult with an experienced family law attorney to ensure your prenuptial agreement remains effective and valid.
Reach Out to Our Experienced Family Law Team to Set up a Case Evaluation Today!
If you need to make changes to your prenuptial agreement to ensure it accurately reflects your current needs and situation, the family law team at Barach Law Group LLC can provide the skilled legal guidance you need to ensure your agreement remains valid and effective. We know how important this legal document is when it comes to ensuring your futures are protected, so you can rely on us to guide you through this process.
Contact our legal team today at 617-819-1805 to set up an initial case evaluation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys to learn more about what we can do for you.