If you are concerned divorce may be on the horizon, it is essential you remain as prepared as ever. Whether you are the one considering serving your spouse with papers or you received them yourselves, the last thing you want is to be blindsided by certain aspects awaiting you. Although no two relationships or marriages are the same, there are general rules which can be applied to many divorces and situations. The best preparation begins with a strongminded and experienced Framingham divorce lawyer, such as ours at Barach Law Group LLC. Consider the following as part of your divorce preparation checklist:
- Financial records – You don’t want to be unprepared when it comes to finances. All marital assets are on the line, so make sure you have copies of all documents relating to income, assets, credit cards statements, tax returns, and other assets or liabilities. Organization is key.
- Have a plan – If you share children, make a plan to determine how to best approach them. If there are certain aspects you aren’t sure of how to handle, such as your living situation, come up with a cohesive and comprehensive plan before moving forward.
- Plan a budget – Divorce has the reputation of being expensive, especially if you and your spouse are going to end up in trial. Ending up in serious debt because of your divorce can be devastating, so make sure you put aside some money in preparation for legal fees.
- Open a P.O. Box – You may not want your mail going somewhere your ex can access it as well.
- Change your beneficiaries – If you no longer want your spouse to be on your will or trust, change this information immediately.
- Create separate banking accounts – Your finances will need to be for you from now on, but make sure you consult with an attorney before you transfer large amounts of money out of your joint accounts.
- Hire an attorney – Facing divorce alone can be disastrous–protecting yourself first and foremost begins with hiring a divorce lawyer you can trust.
Contact Our Framingham Divorce Lawyers Today
At Barach Law Group LLC, we know nothing is worse than going through a financially and emotionally draining divorce. Though the ending of your marriage may not be quite as debilitating as others, it is still vital you remain prepared and vigilant for anything which may come your way. This is why we are committed to ensuring our clients are as protected as possible in the events leading up to, during, and following a divorce. We strive to make sure you remain confident, informed, and secure. Our legal team’s unparalleled work ethic and extensive experience will be your best allies throughout this undoubtedly difficult process–so don’t face it alone. Contact us today by calling 617-819-1805.