Believe it or not, something designed to help you in divorce may actually be a key to saving your marriage. By obtaining a prenuptial agreement, you and your spouse will undergo an exercise that will force you to be open with your goals and best wishes in the event of a loss: either a loss of love or a loss of life. If your goals are irreconcilable from the outset, this can save you the heartache (and massive expenditure) of a divorce. A prenuptial agreement forces you and your prospective spouse to face some difficult questions and put your agreement into writing that will be legally binding in the event your relationship fails. While it was previously thought that prenups were reserved for the rich and famous or those who expected their relationship to fail, today they can serve so many additional purposes. For starters, they can help you and your spouse bring difficult-to-discuss topics out into the open before you officially tie the knot. By debating and negotiating these issues ahead of time, you and your spouse lay a foundation of trust with each other that you can then use to build the rest of your relationship. A high-quality prenuptial agreement forces you to ask many of the same questions that you would in the event of a divorce. This covers a whole range of topics, including:
- Financial issues: How do you want to spend money? How much do you want to save? How will money be invested? When do you want to retire? These are all questions that should be asked and answered in a pre-nuptial agreement. These agreements also grant control over assets (such as stocks, bonds, and other income) as well as debts to each spouse.
- Property ownership: Who owns current assets? For those who own businesses, this could be a life-saver of a provision in your agreement, as you could lose your business should a divorce turn sour if it isn’t protected. Likewise, who will control a marital home and what will happen to it in the event of a divorce?
- Support terms: Will child support or alimony need to be paid in the event of a divorce? If so, how much? Particularly for couples who have children from previous marriages, the terms of a prenuptial agreement can help you and your spouse discuss this difficult subject and work it out ahead of time.
- Insurance: How will your family obtain and keep home, life, medical, and other types of pivotal insurance? What will happen when one of you becomes extremely ill and loses the ability to consent to medical treatments? Who will be your beneficiaries? These questions may be more difficult than they seem, so it’s best to discuss them before you tie the knot.
- Lifestyle choices: Do you want children? Do you both want to maintain your careers or is one of you willing to be a stay-at-home parent? Do you wish to be religious but come from different faiths? How will your children be raised in those faiths?
If you need help drafting a thorough and detailed prenuptial agreement, call a Framingham divorce attorney from Barach Law Group LLC now. With decades of experience and hundreds of successful cases to our name, our team can help you reach the solution you are seeking quickly and cost-effectively. We are compassionate and respectful of your situation, and we place your long-term goals at the center of our decisions and strategy. Call Barach Law Group LLC at 617-819-1805 for a free consultation today.